Name of company

LV Prestige Travel Limited

Registered office

Unit 2a Swordfish Business Park, Swordfish Close, Higgins Lane, Burscough, Lancashire, England L40 8JW

Contact details

Business ID no.

Company registration number: 15299018

VAT no.

Not VAT registered

Terms and Conditions

We will endeavour to work as closely with our clients as possible to avoid any issues in terms of your event/travel/experience. Our full terms and conditions are available via this link: Terms and Conditions

Financial & Consumer Protection : Protected Trust Services

We are a member of Protected Trust Services (PTS). Our membership number is 6104. Being members brings our clients (YOU) full financial and consumer protection (including if necessary ATOL etc). When you book with us your money is protected and you make payments to the Trust at the centre of PTS. LV Prestige Travel Ltd only receive payment once ALL suppliers have been paid AND you have departed on your holiday (with a few exceptions for example immediate payment credit card bookings). This means your money is safe, both in case of a supplier failure or LV Prestige Travel Ltd failing. Further detail of Protected Trust Services can be found via this link:

Consumer Protection For Travel Businesses | Protected Trust Services

Data Protection Policy

Find out how we protect your data here

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy